Travis Walton the Movie Trailer
Jennifer Stein about the documentary

Jennifer Stein - Executive Producer
TRAVIS combines new and archived interviews with the logging crew, police, the polygraph examiner, and UFO experts explaining why this story continues to astound investigators, researchers, astrophysicists, journalists, and filmmakers in their quest for reliable evidence of other worlds, other beings, and other more advanced technologies. This serious documentary provides a rare important depth explanation of how deliberate debunking, including lies, extortion and bribery attempted to crush this story and ruin the lives of the crew and their families.
The film rapidly captured multiple awards of recognition for its brave approach providing impeccable in depth facts that connect the dots with real content needed to understand how the veil of secrecy works. If your curious you owe it to yourself to watch, recommend or own this exceptional documentary film for your collection. The revised “Directors Cut” was significantly revised in July 2016. This film is only available for licensing and distribution networks.
Producers / Co-Producers

Jennifer Stein
Jennifer W. Stein, director and executive producer began this project in 2013 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this historic UFO event, capturing personal testimonies on camera, offering a new perspective for an amazing story.

Bob Terrio
Since the mid 1970’s he has worked in all aspects of the film/video industry as producer, director, photographer, editor, audio and lighting tech for clients that include Merck Pharma., Johnson & Johnson, QVC-TV, PA MUFON, Unisys, McNeil Pharma., NFL Films, The Devereux Foundation and others.

Ben Hansen
Ben Hansen graduated from the University of Utah and went to work investigating child physical abuse and sex crimes at the state level for several years before moving on to work for the FBI.

Ron James
Ron James played several roles in creating elements of the film, its supporting graphics and materials, including directing and creating special effects sequences and production support.
Behind the scenes