In this episode, Travis Walton, the most famous alien-UFO abduction case in history, joins us on the phone to share his incredible insight into the history and future of Ufology. Also joining us is Jennifer Stein, director of Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton.
January 25th, 2022
Director Jennifer Stein Talk Aliens, UFOs, and Distributing to Niche Audiences on the Forward Filmmaker Podcast with Max Sanders
Click on the link here

Special Radio interview with Jennifer Stein
Special Radio interview with Jennifer Stein
Sunday October 22nd 9.00pm EDT
Revolution Radio with Monique Lessan, Jennifer Stein and Travis Walton October 2016
Special Radio interview with Jennifer Stein
Thursday 5th October 2017
Special Radio interview with Jennifer Stein
Sunday October 22nd 9.00pm EDT
Revolution Radio with Monique Lessan, Jennifer Stein and Travis Walton
October 2016
WHFR with David Twichell and Jennifer Stein
6 September 2016
Jennifer Stein was a guest on We Are Not Alone. Jennifer is a self-taught filmmaker who produced the award winning documentary “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton”. She has lectured all over the country and has been featured on numerous radio, TV shows and documentaries. She will be presenting on the topic of Crop Circles at the MUFON Pennsylvania conference on October 28th, 2016 as well as at the International UFO Congress in February 2017 in Phoenix Arizona.
Charles River Show on WEFM
Jennifer Stein was a guest on the Charles River Show on WEFM.
[audio src="https://traviswaltonthemovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/CRS_jennifer-stein-Interview.mp3" /]
The Moore Show interview with Jennifer Stein and Travis Walton
30 March 2016
Rogue Planet with Ryan Sprague and Jennifer Stein and Peter Robbins
23 January 2016
This is UFO modPod–a modern introduction to the UFO phenomenon for a new generation. On this episode, Jason McClellan, Maureen Elsberry, and Ryan Sprague discuss the alleged alien abduction of Travis Walton in 1975. Then Ryan meets up with Jennifer Stein and Peter Robbins at the Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival in New York to discuss their film Travis
[audio src="https://traviswaltonthemovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/UMP_7.mp3" /]
21st Century Radio with Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D. and Jennifer Stein
22 November 2015
Thank you again for being our guests on 21st Century Radio! Our host, Dr. Bob, greatly enjoyed talking with you about your work with the documentary film “Travis.” Your work is an inspiration! Thank You once again for being a part of 21st Century Radio!
[audio src="https://traviswaltonthemovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/11_22_15JenniferStein_21stCenturyRadio.mp3" /]
21st Century Radio with Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D. and Jennifer Stein & Travis Walton
22 November 2015
[audio src="https://traviswaltonthemovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/11_22_15JenniferSteinandTravisWalton_21stCenturyRadio.mp3" /]
West of the Rockies Radio with Frank Argueta and Jennifer Stein
Coast to Coast with Connie Willis and Jennifer Stein
14 November 2015

Aquarian Radio with Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin and Jennifer Stein
31 October 2015
Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interviewed Jennifer Stein on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio (www.freedomslips.com), Studio B on Sunday, October 31, 2015.
Fade to Black with Jimmy Church and Jennifer Stein and Travis Walton
25 August 2015

Jennifer Stein and Jimmy Church
WHFR with David Twichell and Jennifer Stein
8 August 2015
Jennifer Stein is a filmmaker and entrepreneur. Her UFO documentaries have won 4 EBE Awards at the EBE Film Festival held every year at the International UFO Congress in Arizona. Her latest documentary is entitled “Travis: the true story of Travis Walton.” His alien abduction incident on November 5th 1975 was one of the best investigated and documented cases in history, inspiring the movie “Fire in the Sky”. Jennifer and host David Twichell discuss her movie on this installment of We Are Not Alone. Tuesday, Aug. 8 at 1:00 PM EDT
Behind the Paranormal with Paul and Ben Eno and Jennifer Stein
3 August 2015

BEHIND THE PARANORMAL WITH PAUL & BEN ENO WOON 1240 Providence/Worcester/Boston and ONWorldwide.com Monday Drive-Time Radio, 6-7 pm Eastern, 3-4 pm Pacific, 11 pm 12 am British www.BehindTheParanormal.com (888) 273-1941 (Ext. 3)
[audio src="https://traviswaltonthemovie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/PARA080315.mp3" /]
Open MInds Radio with Alejandro Rojas and Jennifer Stein
20 April 2015
Pictured right: Open Minds International UFO conference host Alejandro Rojas enjoys a moment special with Jennifer Stein and Ron James as they accept the second EBE award for the People’s Choice in February 2015. They accepted this award on behalf of Jennifer and her co-producer Bob Terrio who could not be present at these awards.
Alejandro Rojas, from Open Minds Radio interviewed Jennifer W. Stein on Monday, April 20 about the making of the TRAVIS film and other films she has created. Open Minds Radio is a leading source of interviews with top UFO researchers, authors and filmmakers. Most of the interview focuses on how the TRAVIS film project began and how unique the story of Travis Walton really is to UFO researchers. The film will commemorate the 40th anniversary of this historic UFO event and will be shown at Travis’s Sky Fire Summit conference in Heber, Arizona November 5-7, 2015.

HuffPost Weird News with Lee Speigel and Travis Walton
13 April 2015
On April 13, 2015, Travis Walton was in New York City, in-between stops to show and promote his documentary, “Travis.” While in Manhattan with Peter Robbins, they stopped by The Huffington Post to visit writer Lee Speigel. Since they had some time to spare, Speigel grabbed Travis and dragged him kicking and screaming — well, OK, not exactly kicking, screaming, etc. — to do a quick podcast. Travis Walton’s terrifying account is the stuff movies are made from, and he joins us on the HuffPost Weird News podcast to talk about that day 40 years ago, when the then 22-year-old logger says he was knocked unconscious, and woke up to find he was surrounded by ETs aboard their ship.

Read Lee Speigels blog . Click here

This picture shows (from left) Travis, HuffPost Senior Editor and podcast Executive Producer Buck Wolf and Speigel. [Image credit: Peter Robbins]

This picture is Travis, Lee and Peter hanging out at Lee’s desk in the vast HuffPost newsroom. Lee can be seen clutching a close “friend” of his. [Image credit: Jenna Amatulli]

This picture shows Travis and Peter enjoying one of several HuffPost relaxation areas. We wonder what the two of them could have been dreaming about. [Image credit: Peter Robbins]