QR SedonaMUFON.org-interesting conferencesThe 50th Anniversary of Travis' world-famous incident marked October 17-20, 2025!

Sunday, November 5, 2025, 7:00 pm. Travis Walton

will provide a Q&A after a screening of the documentary film Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton with filmmaker Jennifer W. Stein and Travis Walton.  The Travis Walton UFO incident is world-famous, and so is Travis Walton. November 5, 1975 is the 50th anniversary of Travis' terrifying ordeal.

As a 22-year-old American forestry worker, he encountered a UFO craft with his fellow logging crew members on November 5, 1975, while he was working in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona.  During this encounter, Walton was missing for five days and six hours. After five days of searching with scent dogs and helicopters, Walton's coworkers underwent polygraph examinations to determine if they were involved with Travis’s murder and cover-up when no trace of Walton could be found. 

After Walton reappeared by the side of a road near Heber, Arizona, Walton’s case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the best-known UFO encounters and alien abduction stories.  Naturally, his experience has been the subject of major debunking efforts by famous UFO debunkers like Philip J. Klass for decades. In 1978, Walton wrote a book about his experience titled The Walton Experience, which was adapted into the 1993 Paramount film “Fire in the Sky.”  

He later re-issued his book under this same name. Travis has appeared in multiple television specials recounting this case. Paranormal Witness, as have the Travel Channel and SyFy Networks, produced an excellent episode about Travis and his fellow loggers’ experiences in 2011. He has been a guest on every major radio program including most recently The Joe Rogan Experience.  Travis has earned the respect of seasoned UFO investigators like Stanton Friedman, Leo Sprinkle, Richard Dolan, Kathleen Marden, and Lee Spiegel, all of whom are featured in the award-winning documentary called “Travis - The True Story of Travis Walton.”

TRAVIS combines new and archived interviews with the logging crew, police, the polygraph examiner, and UFO experts explaining why this story continues to astound investigators, researchers, astrophysicists, journalists, and filmmakers in their quest for reliable evidence of other worlds, other beings, and other more advanced technologies.  The film is fast-paced and jammed with facts and details about this case.

Pay close attention to the second half of the film which provides a serious rare, and important explanation of how deliberate debunking, including lies, extortion, and bribery attempted to crush this story and ruin the lives of the crew and their families. You can view the trailer at TravisWaltonTheMovie.com  Filmmaker and Sedona MUFON director Jennifer W. Stein will be on-hand for Q&A following the film.



Want to host your own screening? For further information click here.

You can still purchase the DVD on eBay or Amazon.